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It's Our Anniversary!

Writer's picture: Kelly EllsberryKelly Ellsberry

Updated: May 23, 2024

Do You Know What Today is?

Berry Best Phlebotomy Training has just graduated our 10th class and August 9th marks the One Year Anniversary of Our Very First Day of our Very First Class! We want to thank our local Tucson community for embracing us and giving us the opportunity to be rated as a 5 Star Lab Tech & Phlebotomy Training Program! We think that it is a great time to reflect on the last year and highlight some of our most notable milestones and let you all know what’s coming next!

Notable Milestones

August 1, 2021, our first class was held. We offered an Economic Stimulus Discount to assist our community as times were tough for us all and students took advantage of the huge savings. 100% of the class graduated and afterward passed their National exam becoming Nationally Certified CPTs.

October 30, 2021 we held our first Open House. It was Halloween themed and of course, vampire decor was in full effect! We had a blast!

November 8, 2021, we accepted our youngest student to date at the time and Boy, was she impressive! 17 year old Amal is a Syrian refugee whose family arrived here in the U.S when she was just 11 years old. When she enrolled, she had just graduated high school with honors and had given a speech to her graduating class. She was and is currently a UofA student majoring in Microbiology, a Pre Med program with a full scholarship. She completed our program while attending UofA full time and graduated from our program with a 96% Final Written Exam Score! She is currently a valuable member of the Veteran Affairs laboratory staff team and we continue to be proud of her as we are all of our graduates!

This Year’s Milestones

In January 2022, our licensing with the AZ Board of Private Postsecondary Education was upgraded from a Conditional license to a Regular license. We had officially left the kiddie table!

In April 2022, our parent company, Berry Best Mobile Lab Services (BBMLS) was expanded and upgraded from a small Mobile Lab Service operating in an Independent Contractor capacity to a Nationally Recognized Independent Clinical Laboratory with its own National Provider ID Number (NPI) and registered with Center for Medicare Services with BBPTLLC registered under its umbrella with an NPI of it’s own as a Healthcare Education Provider.

In May and June of 2022, BBMLS became credentialed with Medicare and AZ Medicaid (AHCCCS) allowing patients in those networks to receive full lab services at home for no Out Of Pocket cost to them. BBMLS was also added to the Pima County Council on Aging’s Directory.

In July 2022, we acquired a Financial Aid option via a Private Student Loan company, Meritize. We chose Meritize because they are unique in the sense that they consider more than just your FICO Score. While they do consider scores as low as 550, they also take your merit (see what they did there) into consideration ie. your previous academic and military experience. So far, Meritize has helped a number of students pay for our program. Repayment is deferred during class and for 3 months following graduating allowing our graduates time to find work and establish income before repaying! Prospective students looking to pre qualify can do so on the top of the homepage of our website or here @ .

August 9, 2022, we celebrated our 1 year anniversary of our first day of our first class qualifying our program to be added to the State of Arizona Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL). Once our application is fully processed, we will be added to the ETPL along with many other reputable programs and we are extremely proud of this!

What’s Next?

We are grateful to still be standing after a year of having to overcome adversity due to the recent pandemic and the aftermath of it all! We plan to continue to keep building and serving our community and being the gateway for many to enter the Biolaboratory field! If you are interested in attending Phlebotomy Training Near Me, please visit our website @

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